Friday 15 July 2016


  To hell with being a moralist. To such a seemingly crude society it's befitting at best to be opportunistic and damn be repercussions. What a coarser and broader view t apply to the titilations of everyday. Conclusive, but not wrong. An actuality articulated by many correctly putting.

  A disconcerting life is not to relegate countenance to . . . loophole appropriation. After setting up a software consultancy firm, which encrusts him with the frightening hindsight that it is much worse to own a small portion of a company you work for than to just work for it; the day has come for Webb to neck his way into a tender among six rivals that include a giant firm—which he ordinarily has no chance against. The aging programmer recruits one of his employees to sniff out patches in a new in the market system for a major bankBANKNET.

   Along teaching his companion the ropes, Webb faces the moralist dilemma that finally ticks to right side of the clock—depending on how one views it. By this streak, he also measures the accentuating action of his younger associates, as he also plays detective, spy, auditor, schemer, and all that jazz in a quest to what everything boils down to—information. Win the tender? Outsmart a shit-hot coder? Deliver required fodder?—information.

Knowledge is the best key, Mr. Webb. Knowledge of weakness.

  The Consultant is first a great story, then literature. It is way too formidable to dwell pretensions—a leaning it constantly disapproves of bearing the frolicking and fun word-tossing. The colour of the whole scheme lies in the cordiality of characters pitted against dishevels and malice. A solitary crime thriller that strikes a frozen pause to the time of digital significance.

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