Sunday 8 May 2016


  Vengeance. Red at the heart, reeking of disgust and rabid disapproval—its forces never ebb away. A fucking will with mighty throbs to the wronged and offended. But when compulsion dispenses as a defect of passion—it is avenging no more. Becoming a simpler way to even affairs. Obfuscation strung off the picture—as a grainy opening unfoldd.

  Naivety may be deemed upon children, but personal traits may startle with curt ruthlessness should they be sound enough to excite quick judgement. Characteristics that unfailingly portray themselves from early on. There only need a headstrong in a group of conspirators, coupled with the said advantage to ensure way in the will. Dangling the carrot of retaliation—threat of punishment—and the others will take the bait. Herefore, Kim, Nick, Kelly, and Jude participated in the bullying event that caused the death of little Robin.

  Unfriendliness towards Robin was the main despise, since her sibling who did nothing about it was their playmate. Her mysterious death is wrongly placed on a local psycho, who endures burns on his run from cops. The psycho's escape coincides with Prom—with Kim and Nick to be crowned Queen and King. It is a knife and axe affair, as revenge is meted out. It would be insane to say a psycho burned to the Fizzle Bomber's proportions is the avenger. This is a fantastic twist. The escaped jailbird remains mystery to the end. Mask. Black glove. Knife. Fall-o'-the-ripper.

  Come where adults are involved, and the case is coupled with ulterior motives, making them all the more disgusting. Carrie is murky and different enough—thanks to an idiot mother—to elicit unwarranted and unpleasant attentions. In the adult world, her situation is much precarious from the existence of inescapable interactions and formal and informal communities. She discovers her underlying ppwers, day by day as she is pushed to the edge. Once lured into believing her break in life has come—partially true, the lure being benevolent—she is befallen by more humiliation. It is on the night of Prom, and her counter-action is unleashing psionic powers now under her well-versed control. It is about self-preservation once the knives find the target, and the past is cast to ashes. Flash forward to a dressed-up reworking.

  Prom Night and Carrie do work around mischief on the night of Prom. Apart from earlier incidents that are its precursors. The actual concocter happens to be the red drive damsel. Headstrong and contagious. Destined to die. To accentuate as a spectator; it is not who does it, it is how it's done—when things are evening themselves out on light's closure. Either can tip the scale of the created and gradually realized swift death machine.

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