It only takes the first five pages to discern a piece written by Herbert G. Wells. Besides a catalogue that would by any means appear intimidating given how highly original, perceptive and engaging his work is. They are tales that are ebbed and whiled out as a first person narrative from the perspective of a third person, with a constant of choice peculiar words.
Given the brevity of The Croquet Player, it occurs a man's tale into contagious madness. Presented here is an ordinary or everyday man; a key aspect in relegating the intended impact of the story's urgency—amid the ramification of perceived but highly contagious thoughts of two intellectuals. One is a young, sensitive, reasonable, if oblivious of the reality around him. The other man is an inflated promise of redemption—with borderline ruminations to the truth about the current world situations. It is not a big revelation that man is really a beast, and in neither way different from his cave-man ancestor—appointed to psychotherapeutic duties upon the young doctor.
The Doctor starts losing his mind to a fear of the unknown at a remote area, once inhabited by Neanderthals. If this place sets everybody setting foot there mad, their reaction on countering the overcast mental entities can work for or against them. Dr. Finchatton narrates his troubles in a quest for perspective and opinion from an ordinary man: and one who wouldn't care even if his world is falling apart provided the usual needs are met. They must be. Metaphorically delving in the frustrations of two aspects of civilization and their reactions to their not so reassuring world. Ignoring and failing to rise up to the challenges. Placing an engagement to the reader.
Did he repeat my phrase—endemic panic?
The author aligns and acclaims to Edgar E. Poe, and evokes a similar atmosphere, with certain touches of Howard P. Lovecraft, succeeding to create a formidable power of the unknown. It is the reader that is being confronted, once the croquet player decides to flee, even though his mind has been seeded with the malady of thought. How to be an incorporating presentist, such a way!