Thursday, 30 June 2016


  Daybreak contributed this Powerviolence-heavy release to their God-tier split with The Ultimate Warriors; who deliver with massive Grindcore assault. As a lone offering, Convicted is the updated version of Cryptic Slaughter's . . . Convicted. In Grind we Crust!


Wednesday, 29 June 2016


  David Fisher is a name synonymous with a given personas. On the one hand is a Goodreads bio relating a writing actor. With the premises surrounding The Man You Sleep With and the book's obscurity, it is easy to pin it down 95% to this David Fisher, a Holly affiliate and part of the National Treasure cast. On the other hand surfaces a science writer dabbling in fiction, but only hints of science are concurrent to convey certain aspects of the story. Of the two, the last mentioned penned this introspective back-flash murder-mystery session and its where-abouts.

  Not long ago, the Mad Mane Machine came across Murder Machree, which appears to be at par with The Man You Sleep With on quite a number of aspects: Film references and placed and opportunistic name dropping around the 30's cinema period—check title; A clash with poetry on a light manner; and murders most foul—straining relations.

  Deceit has long existed as a human extension and loopholes well exploited provide a standing mystery for schemers to run loose, if not free. Here are two young men who befriend a lady—and as is bound,she has to decide which of the two. Bob loses Sarah to Turner for failing to express himself at the crucial moment. He does mind if Sarah marries Turner but doesn't say so when given the chance, yet the three know otherwise is how it should be.

  Falling out of affection breeds Turner's decision to rid of Sarah. Divorce will lead to losing the real estate company he built for her father. Fueled by this paranoia, the plans are set in his mind, although action is a tad tighter than brain sequencing of events. The shortcomings of all plans lay in overlooking the role chance might play on the chains of events—indeed a significant one. Back-flashes tear the story into percepts of events and their relations to the tale. Raising questions which old-timey Bitch Slap had a clutch on.

  Part of it attains a dark urban edge once Turner takes the reader to the gritty parts of his frequent city. The remaining part is an unapologetic film bait which brashly and audaciously  gives the punchline-like title The Courtesy not to Bleed.

Friday, 24 June 2016



  No extra space is needed to jut in the spirited aural vehemence of quasi-static tensions that have been energized enough to echo across the landscape of the auditory.

  Arise droning and draging feedback worship and propulsion by the sons of the Muse. Give drums or pounding, smouldering discretion but don't forgive when rasping out grunge chunks at screeching levels.

  Tribal occupations are a strike-out of hunga munga affair. A knifethrowing diversion would appreciate drums of such palpitating throbs around an arena amid long-drawn rhythms which are nothing close to distracting them.

  When the blood blooms from slipped hits on the target and blooms, let the tribute begin with dirgy vocalizations to a waning sunset. Into a night of tribal fires and more chants backed with hand sticks.

Thursday, 23 June 2016


  Fuck yeah Noise freaks. How about the closest resemblances an experimental Rap album could have to grimy, doomy, Swedeath? Perish by that shit. The curt angles of cassette reel and leaf mosaic. Only death is real. 


Monday, 20 June 2016


This was destined to be the scene of the outbreak of war between Leiningen's brain and twenty square miles of life-destroying ants.
He did not need to be told that ants are intelligent, that certain species even use others as milch cows, watchdogs and slaves.

Carl Stephenson

Monday, 13 June 2016


  The whorl, the vortex. An influx, an out-pour. It's all spin. Faireless to the Flesh Perverted Taste's major release version is a close ringer of From Beyond.




  Super Black Thrash from Celtic Frost and Death Metal by Resurrected propagate pieces by H.R. GigerSatan I & elusive Satan II. Resurrected's is a desiccate and decrepit demon as per album title: Faireless to the Flesh.

To Mega Therion
Faireless to the Flesh

Friday, 3 June 2016


  Argh! Who put magic in my science fiction? Or rather speculative fiction. Why should sci fi be the place to pit mage work and supertech? No matter how neanderthaly a system or community has relegated or disintegrated in a very likely pessimistic dystopia of an author's portrayal. It is the same inconvenience that puts Brazil at fault despite thr e vigilantly conversant speculation—a slowly forming future, activities being null without headstart from the controlled main organ.

  As a whole, speculative fiction offers a preccint for a given array of magic and sci fi. Only when magic is used as a means to an end rather than a suitable accomplishment—not a mere underdeveloped accompany—does it leave the setting wanting. Besides predisposition to premature magicking, the first fourth of City of the Chasch weighs down on the book's accomplishments. It provides curt espousals that forsake the fun of suspense. Mixed with brutal developments, which align to create a weak passage for the better part of the story. As a first book for the author, I'm tempted to place it more on a developing writing style—given the same section is littered with limitless but escapable thesaurian occupations.

  City of the Chasch is the first of a four serial Planet of Adventure; Tschai—home to warring advanced alien species. The Chasch, Dirdir, Wankh, Phung, and Pnume. Tschai is an Earth-like planet whose natives were Pnume and Phung. The invading alien races were Wankh; the Chasch arrived first, followed by Dirdir with men they had acquired from proto-Mongoloid and proto-Caucasoid tribes. These men metamorphosed by mutation, specialization, re-mutation, re-specialization to adapt to various Tschai environs—while others were enslaved as surbordinates to the alien races by physio-psychological means.

The quagmire was the habitat to many fascionating creatures—

  Following through with the strife of a dystopian wake is the grounds for the first Planet of Adventure tales. Kruthe is a fictitious language that has been developed by one of the myriad species of men—the Kruthe, who capture Reith, the surviving earth-man after a fateful mission to planet Tschai. It is syntactically regular with words generally being the same, although nuances administer it difficult by scores of tenses, moods and aspects. Hath a writing style be beyond personal enjoyment, with characters like Anacho undermining comprehension capacities of mere men, it is more likely the case. A despise that sci fi authors don't fail to elaboratively outline. Like James Blish and Brian Aldiss.


 Gotham.The categorical elaboration and enunciation of crime and it's sprawl.With each and every strain—between the rapier, dignified, mysterious malefactor and organized insidious crime, with its ties to two-sided law enforcers. It is such a metropolis that grieves a family man on the daily safety of his family,eminently as Batman: Year One's manifestations—where nobody is safe,government badge or not. Beyond Batman's Gotham and commonplace crimes arises the rare although spectacular offender. A man plaguing the city with bodies; detectives with thin clues.

 This crime noir trails the first pursuit of a yet to be established as serial killer. Titular without giving away the plot-point. It's a pair race for detectives Somerset and Mills once Somerset takes the clue from two of the seven deadly sins—where the remaining five can more than only be expected. Fervent as the self-appointed social redeemer is on making his message clear, so does it provide the means for deciphering locations of his frequent, if not his whereabouts. His are sermons to the world, taking cues from, most importantly, Dante Alighieri's Inferno, among other religious texts to try and cauterize the world's severed moral arm.

 It is a curious case to try and amend the complexities of humans and their reasons to what an observer, basing on ethics, deems immoral. His light of these people may be right to a limited extent, but still wrong from over-inference. Closest to a paradox. The two detectives present such a situation better with their polarly different views and similar approaches. Two rational men: a cultured individual with ruminative illustriousness; and a just progressive enough but absolutely whimsical man at large—the general kind of man, and his character never hesitates to prove the high price that is the attainment of culture. Actually without the former, the killer would never had been found, despite the former's attempt at brushing away his inability to solve the crime.

 Se7en offers a quick glance of criminals with an upper hand over a system. Some crimes go down an,nals unsolved such as this, and should chance have its way, the caisus belli for intrusion to a criminal's lair could also hold most detections to a halt.

  Rare as they are, the severity undertaken is what wins followers over, as John Doe expects of his case. The ultimate cult figure.

Thursday, 2 June 2016


By contrast with the mooncalves he seemed a trivial being, a mere ant, scarcely five feet high.

They are much more like ants on their hind legs than human beings, and who ever got any sort of understanding with ants?

Cavor, as we learnt, was not only alive but free, in the midst of an almost inconceivable community of these ant-like beings, these ant-men in the blue darkness of lunar caves.

Of course, they are not only colossally greater in size than ants, but also, in Cavor's opinion at least, in intelligence, morality, and social wisdom are they colossally greater than men.

 —Herbert G. Wells